How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer After 12th

How to Become An Artificial Intelligence Engineer After 12th


Embarking on a journey towards a career in Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be both exciting and rewarding, especially for those who have just completed their 12th-grade education. As technology continues to evolve, the demand for skilled professionals in AI is on the rise, making it an opportune moment to delve into the world of artificial intelligence engineering.

Target The Point

How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer After 12th” In this guide, we will explore the steps and strategies that can pave the way for aspiring individuals to become proficient AI engineers straight out of high school. From educational pathways to essential skills, let’s unravel the roadmap to a promising career in the dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence Courses After 12th – Eligibility & Courses

Certainly! If you are interested in pursuing artificial intelligence (AI) courses after completing your 12th grade, here’s some information on eligibility criteria and popular courses:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • To pursue AI courses after 12th, you typically need to have completed your 12th grade in the science stream with subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
  • Some courses may have specific eligibility requirements, such as a minimum percentage in the 12th-grade exams or an entrance exam. It’s important to check the specific requirements of the institute or university offering the course.

Popular AI Courses After 12th:

  1. B.Tech or B.E. in Artificial Intelligence:
    • Duration: 4 years
    • Eligibility: 12th grade with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
    • Universities and institutes offer Bachelor’s degrees in AI or related fields.
  2. B.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence:
    • Duration: 3 years
    • Eligibility: 12th grade with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
    • Some universities offer specialized B.Sc. programs in AI.
  3. Integrated M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence:
    • Duration: 5 years
    • Eligibility: 12th grade with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
    • Some institutes offer integrated Master’s programs directly after the 12th grade.
  4. Diploma Courses in AI and Machine Learning:
    • Duration: Varies (typically 6 months to 1 year)
    • Eligibility: 12th grade in any stream
    • Short-term diploma courses are available for those looking for a quicker introduction to AI.
  5. Certification Courses in AI:
    • Duration: Varies (usually a few months)
    • Eligibility: 12th grade in any stream
    • Numerous online platforms and institutes offer certification courses in AI that can be pursued alongside regular degree programs.

It’s advisable to research and choose courses based on your specific interests, career goals, and the reputation of the institution.

Additionally, keeping up with advancements in AI by engaging in online courses and self-learning is highly beneficial in this rapidly evolving field.

Always check the eligibility criteria and admission procedures of the specific course and institute you are interested in.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer After 12th After Arts Students

While becoming an Artificial Intelligence Engineer after 12th with an Arts background isn’t the most common path, it’s not impossible either. It requires dedication, adaptability, and the right steps to navigate this unconventional journey. Here’s a breakdown:

The Challenge:

  • Different Background: Arts students haven’t been exposed to the technical foundation (Mathematics, Physics, Programming) that forms the core of AI studies.
  • Competition: Many AI engineer roles seek candidates with Computer Science or related degrees.

The Path:

1. Develop a Strong Foundation:

  • Mathematics: Focus on calculus, linear algebra, and statistics, as these form the mathematical backbone of AI algorithms. Online courses, boot camps, or self-study resources can help.
  • Programming: Learn at least one programming language like Python, R, or Java. Start with the basics and gradually progress to more complex concepts. Online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Codecademy offer beginner-friendly courses.
  • Domain Knowledge: While an Arts background might seem unrelated, it can be an asset. Consider specializing in AI applications relevant to your field, like Natural Language Processing for literature students or AI-powered art generation for visual arts students.

2. Bridge the Gap:

  • Enroll in Certificate or Diploma Courses: Many institutions offer AI-focused certificate or diploma programs specifically designed for non-technical backgrounds. These programs equip you with the essentials while acknowledging your prior learning.
  • Pursue a Bachelor’s Degree: Consider a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field, specializing in AI if possible. This option takes longer but provides a comprehensive foundation.
  • Explore Online Resources: Utilize online platforms like Kaggle, TensorFlow, and YouTube channels dedicated to AI education. Immerse yourself in the community, participate in forums, and learn from others.

3. Gain Practical Experience:

  • Contribute to Open-Source Projects: Participating in open-source projects allows you to gain hands-on experience with real-world AI applications and collaborate with experienced developers.
  • Do Personal Projects: Build your own AI projects based on your interests and skills. This showcases your learning, initiative, and problem-solving abilities to potential employers.
  • Look for Internships: Many companies offer AI-related internships for students. Take advantage of these opportunities to gain industry experience and build your network.


  • It’s a journey, not a race: Learning AI takes time and effort. Be patient, and consistent, and don’t get discouraged by initial challenges.
  • Network and connect: Build relationships with professionals in the AI field. Attend meetups, conferences, and online communities to learn from their experiences and seek guidance.
  • Highlight your unique skills: Emphasize how your Arts background brings diverse perspectives and critical thinking skills valuable in AI development.

Becoming an AI Engineer with an Arts background demands grit and resourcefulness. But with the right approach, dedication, and continuous learning, you can carve your unique path in this exciting field.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer After 12th After Commerce and Science Students

Pursuing an AI Engineer Career After 12th: Commerce vs Science Background. Both commerce and science students have exciting prospects when considering a career in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineering. While science students have a natural head start with their foundational knowledge in math and physics, commerce students can still carve their path into this dynamic field. Here’s a breakdown for each background:

For Science Students (12th in Science):


  • Strong foundation in math and physics: The science curriculum naturally equips you with the core mathematical and scientific concepts crucial for understanding AI algorithms and machine learning models.
  • Familiarity with programming: Many science streams integrate basic programming into their curriculum, providing a head start in learning advanced programming languages for AI development.
  • Diverse specialization options: You can leverage your science background to specialize in areas like AI-powered drug discovery, medical diagnosis, or scientific research automation.

Steps to take:

  • Strengthen your programming skills: Focus on mastering Python, R, or Java, essential languages for AI development.
  • Explore specialized AI courses: Several universities offer AI certifications, diplomas, or full-fledged degrees catering to science students.
  • Participate in hackathons and projects: Engage in practical applications by participating in AI-focused hackathons or building personal projects to showcase your skills.
  • Network with AI professionals: Build connections with experts in the field to gain insights and potential mentorship opportunities.

For Commerce Students (12th in Commerce):


  • Data analysis and interpretation: Commerce education often emphasizes data analysis skills, valuable for interpreting data used in AI models.
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking: Commerce training hones your ability to analyze problems and propose solutions, crucial for identifying AI applications in business domains.
  • Strong communication and presentation skills: Effective communication is essential for collaborating with diverse teams and presenting AI-driven solutions to stakeholders.

Steps to take:

  • Bridge the technical gap: Enroll in certificate courses or boot camps to grasp the fundamentals of mathematics, statistics, and basic programming.
  • Focus on AI for business applications: Look for specialized courses or training programs geared towards applying AI in areas like marketing, finance, or risk management.
  • Highlight your unique skillset: Showcase how your data analysis, problem-solving, and communication skills can complement technical expertise in an AI team.
  • Network with professionals in AI-driven businesses: Connect with individuals working in business domains utilizing AI to understand industry needs and potential career paths.


  • Passion and perseverance are key: Regardless of your background, having a genuine interest in AI and the dedication to learn is crucial for success.
  • Continuous learning is essential: The AI field is constantly evolving, so staying updated with the latest advancements and technologies is vital.
  • Network actively: Building connections with industry professionals can open doors to opportunities and valuable mentorship.

With the right approach, dedication, and continuous learning, both science and commerce students can carve exciting careers in the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence Engineering.

What Is The Artificial Intelligence Engineer Salary?

Artificial intelligence (AI) engineers are in high demand, making it a lucrative career path. Here’s a breakdown of their average salary and factors that can influence it:

Average Salary

  • Globally: According to Indeed, the average AI engineer salary worldwide is $123,000 per year.
  • United States: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the median annual wage for AI engineers at $136,620. Glassdoor reports a slightly lower median base salary of $108,043 in the US.
  • India: In India, the average AI engineer salary ranges from ₹4 lakhs to ₹50 lakhs per annum, depending on experience, location, and company.

Factors Influencing Salary

  • Experience: Unsurprisingly, experience plays a significant role in AI engineering salaries. Entry-level positions pay less, while senior engineers with proven track records command significantly higher salaries.
  • Location: Salaries tend to be higher in regions with a high cost of living, like San Francisco, New York, or Bangalore.
  • Industry: The specific industry you work in can also impact your salary. For example, AI engineers in tech giants like Google or Facebook might earn more than those in smaller startups or non-tech companies.
  • Skills and Expertise: Your specific skills and expertise in different AI areas (machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.) can influence your salary.
  • Education: While not always mandatory, a higher degree in a relevant field like computer science or AI can sometimes lead to higher starting salaries.
  • Company Size and Reputation: Larger, well-established companies often offer higher salaries and benefits packages compared to smaller startups.

Additional Points

  • Bonuses: Many companies offer performance-based bonuses or stock options that can significantly boost your overall compensation.
  • Benefits: Consider the overall benefits package offered by a company, including health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans.
  • Career Growth: Look for opportunities that offer career growth and development, which can lead to higher salaries in the future.

Remember, these are just averages, and your salary may vary based on your specific circumstances. Researching salaries in your specific location and industry is crucial for getting an accurate picture.

YouTube Video: Artificial intelligence course in 9 hours.

Artificial intelligence course in 9 hours by Simplilearn

Embrace the Future with Artificial Intelligence

Embarking on a journey to become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer straight after completing the 12th grade requires a strategic approach and a passion for cutting-edge technology. Begin by focusing on a strong foundation in mathematics and computer science during your high school years.

Acquiring proficiency in programming languages like Python and Java is essential. Engage in online courses, certifications, and workshops that specialize in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Building a robust portfolio of personal projects can set you apart during the academic and professional journey.

Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science, artificial intelligence, or a related field is recommended to delve deeper into the theoretical and practical aspects of AI. Additionally, participating in internships, collaborating on open-source projects, and staying updated on industry trends will contribute to a well-rounded skill set.

Networking with professionals in the field, attending conferences, and continuously refining your skills will position you for success as you navigate the path toward becoming an Artificial Intelligence Engineer after completing the 12th grade.

Understanding the Landscape: What is Artificial Intelligence?

Before diving into the specifics, let’s unravel the essence of Artificial Intelligence. AI is the intelligence exhibited by machines, enabling them to simulate human-like thinking processes. It encompasses various domains such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, revolutionizing how we interact with technology.

Mapping Your Path: Educational Prerequisites

Choosing the Right Stream

The first crucial step after completing your 12th is selecting the appropriate educational stream. Opting for a science stream with a focus on mathematics and computer science lays a robust foundation for your AI journey.

Bachelor’s Degree in AI or Related Fields

To become an AI Engineer, pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, or a related field is imperative. Acquiring in-depth knowledge during your undergraduate studies will prepare you for the challenges ahead.

Sharpening Your Skills: Key Competencies

Programming Proficiency

Mastering programming languages like Python, Java, or C++ is essential. These languages serve as the building blocks for creating AI applications and algorithms.

Data Science and Analytics

Understanding data is at the core of AI. Developing proficiency in data science and analytics equips you to extract meaningful insights from vast datasets, a fundamental skill for any aspiring AI Engineer.

Machine Learning Mastery

Delve into the intricacies of machine learning algorithms. A strong grasp of supervised and unsupervised learning methods will set you apart in the competitive AI landscape.

Exploring Educational Avenues: Certifications and Postgraduate Studies


Complementing your degree with industry-recognized certifications showcases your commitment to staying updated with the latest AI trends. Certifications from institutions like TensorFlow or Microsoft can bolster your resume.

Postgraduate Studies

Consider pursuing a master’s degree or specialized courses in AI. This advanced education provides a deeper understanding of AI principles and opens doors to specialized career paths within the field.

Building a Stellar Portfolio: Real-world Projects

Internships and Projects

Gaining hands-on experience through internships and real-world projects is indispensable. Showcase your skills by working on AI applications or contributing to open-source projects, demonstrating your practical understanding.

Networking and Industry Exposure

Attend Conferences and Seminars

Immerse yourself in the AI community by attending conferences and seminars. Networking with professionals in the field provides valuable insights and potential opportunities for collaboration.

Online Platforms and Forums

Engage with AI enthusiasts and experts on online platforms and forums. Platforms like GitHub and Kaggle offer spaces to collaborate and showcase your work to a global audience.

Securing Your Future: Job Opportunities

Entry-level Positions

Start your journey with entry-level positions such as Junior AI Developer or Data Analyst. These roles offer hands-on experience and pave the way for career progression.

Specialized Roles

As you gain experience, consider specializing in areas like computer vision, natural language processing, or robotics. Specialized roles command higher expertise and present exciting challenges.

Step-by-step guide “How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer After 12th”

Step 1: Gain a Strong Foundation in Mathematics and Science

  • Focus on building a solid understanding of mathematics and science during your high school years. Subjects such as mathematics, physics, and computer science will provide a strong foundation for AI studies.

Step 2: Choose the Right Educational Path

  • After completing your 12th grade, opt for a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Common choices include Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or Information Technology. Ensure that the program covers key AI concepts.

Step 3: Master Programming Languages

  • Develop proficiency in programming languages crucial for AI, such as Python, Java, or C++. Gain hands-on experience by working on coding projects to strengthen your programming skills.

Step 4: Pursue a Specialized AI Course or Degree

  • Consider enrolling in specialized AI courses or pursuing a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence or a related field. Look for programs that offer in-depth knowledge in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and robotics.

Step 5: Build a Strong Portfolio

  • Showcase your skills through a portfolio that includes AI projects you’ve worked on. This could include machine learning models, AI applications, or contributions to open-source AI projects. A robust portfolio will make you stand out to potential employers.

Step 6: Stay Updated on AI Trends and Technologies

  • AI is a rapidly evolving field. Stay informed about the latest trends, research, and technologies by regularly reading AI journals, attending conferences, and participating in online forums. Continuous learning is crucial in this dynamic field.

Step 7: Gain Practical Experience through Internships

  • Seek internships or co-op opportunities with companies or research institutions involved in AI. Practical experience will not only enhance your skills but also provide valuable industry exposure.

Step 8: Network with AI Professionals

  • Attend AI meetups, conferences, and networking events to connect with professionals in the field. Networking can open up opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and potential job offers.

Step 9: Develop Soft Skills

  • Cultivate soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication. These skills are essential in the workplace and will complement your technical abilities.

Step 10: Apply for AI Positions and Further Education

  • Once you feel confident in your skills and have gained sufficient education and experience, start applying for AI positions. Consider pursuing advanced degrees or certifications to stay competitive in the field.

Remember, becoming an AI engineer is a journey that requires dedication, continuous learning, and practical experience. Be proactive in seeking opportunities to apply your knowledge, and stay committed to staying current in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

Conclusion: The Future Awaits

In conclusion, aspiring to become an Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineer straight after the 12th grade requires a strategic and focused approach. Students should prioritize a strong foundation in mathematics and computer science during their high school years.

Exploring online courses, coding competitions, and AI-related projects can further enhance skills and knowledge. Pursuing a relevant bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field is the next crucial step.

Gaining practical experience through internships, personal projects, and participating in AI communities contributes significantly to skill development. Continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends, and networking with professionals can open doors to opportunities in the dynamic field of AI.

With determination, a solid educational background, and hands-on experience, individuals can embark on a rewarding journey as AI engineers, contributing to the innovation and advancement of artificial intelligence technologies.


What educational background is required to become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer after the 12th grade?

Generally, a strong foundation in mathematics and science is beneficial. Pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science, engineering, or a related field is a common path.

Are there specific programming languages to focus on during high school for a career in Artificial Intelligence?

While not mandatory, learning languages like Python, Java, or C++ can be advantageous. Python, in particular, is widely used in the AI field.

Can one specialize in Artificial Intelligence right after completing high school, or is a higher education degree necessary?

While some AI roles may require a higher education degree, there are entry-level positions and certifications available. Pursuing a bachelor’s degree is recommended for a more comprehensive understanding of AI.

What extracurricular activities can enhance the chances of becoming an AI Engineer after the 12th grade?

Engaging in coding competitions, participating in AI-related projects, and contributing to open-source projects can showcase your skills and passion for AI.

How important is mathematics for a career in Artificial Intelligence?

Mathematics is a crucial aspect of AI. A strong foundation in subjects like calculus, linear algebra, and statistics is highly beneficial for understanding AI algorithms and models.

What are some recommended online courses or certifications for aspiring AI Engineers after the 12th grade?

Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer courses in AI and machine learning. Certifications from reputed organizations like Google, IBM, and Microsoft are also valuable.

Is it necessary to pursue a master’s or PhD for a successful career in AI after completing the 12th grade?

While some roles may require advanced degrees, many entry and mid-level positions can be secured with a bachelor’s degree and relevant experience. Advanced degrees may enhance career prospects in research and leadership roles.

What skills beyond programming are essential for a career in AI?

Apart from programming, skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity are crucial. Communication skills are also important for effectively conveying complex AI concepts.

How can networking and industry connections be beneficial for aspiring AI Engineers in high school?

Attending AI conferences, joining online forums, and networking with professionals in the field can provide insights, mentorship, and potential internship opportunities.

What are some real-world applications of AI that high school students can explore to understand the field better?

Exploring applications like natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics can give high school students a practical understanding of AI’s impact on various industries. Building small AI projects can also be insightful.

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