PC Part Picker How To Complete A Build Step By Step Guide

PC Part Picker How To Complete A Build Step By Step Guide

Target The Point

What is Pc Part Picker?

An online tool called PC Part Picker helps computer hobbyists create unique desktop PCs. Component selection, compatibility testing, price comparison, and build lists are all accessible through a user-friendly interface. CPUs, GPUs, motherboards, RAM, storage devices, and power supplies are just a few of the numerous hardware components from which users can select.

An additional compatibility checker is provided by PCPartPicker to guarantee seamless compatibility. Users get access to comprehensive component information, may make and store various build lists, share builds, and participate in discussions regarding PC-related issues. Users can export and buy parts using PCPartPicker as well.

How Does PC Part Picker Work?

PCPartPicker is a comprehensive tool that simplifies the process of building a PC. It offers a comprehensive catalogue of thousands of PC components across various categories, including CPUs, GPUs, RAM, and storage. Users can refine their search using filters based on specs, compatibility, brands, and prices.

PCPartPicker automatically checks for compatibility between components, alerting users to potential issues. It also provides build guides, and pre-built configurations for different budgets and purposes, and allows for quick price comparison from various reputable online retailers. Users can track price fluctuations for specific parts and set alerts to be notified when a part reaches their desired price point.

PCPartPicker also allows for sharing and community interaction, with users sharing their part lists for feedback or inspiration. Users can also read user reviews on specific parts for insights. Additional features include adding part notes, exporting build lists in various formats, and managing part lists on the go. PCPartPicker is a tool for planning and researching PC builds, but it does not handle the actual purchasing or assembly.

How Reliable Is PC Part Picker?

PC Part Picker (PCPP) is generally considered a reliable tool for building your PC, but it’s crucial to understand its strengths and limitations. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Compatibility Check: PCPP boasts an impressive compatibility check feature. It uses manufacturer specifications to identify potential issues between components, like motherboard socket type not matching CPU compatibility. While not foolproof, it catches most major issues.
  • Price Comparison: PCPP aggregates real-time pricing from various reputable retailers, helping you find the best deals for your chosen components.
  • Build Guides and Community: PCPP offers a wealth of build guides and a community forum filled with experienced users willing to answer questions and offer advice.
  • Regular Updates: The platform gets regularly updated with new components and compatibility information, ensuring its accuracy remains high.


  • Not Perfect Compatibility: While the compatibility check is good, it can miss niche compatibility issues or manufacturer errors. Double-checking specs on the official websites is recommended.
  • User-Entered Data: Some component data is user-submitted, which might contain inaccuracies or typos. It’s wise to cross-check information with official sources.
  • Limited Price Tracking: PCPP doesn’t offer historical price tracking or alert features. Use external tools to monitor price trends and catch the best deals.
  • Focus on Mainstream Parts: PCPP leans towards mainstream hardware. For niche or custom builds, additional research on compatibility and availability might be needed.


PCPP is a reliable tool for most PC builds, especially for beginners and those building with mainstream components. However, it’s not perfect. Remember to:

  • Double-check compatibility on official websites.
  • Be aware of limitations in user-submitted data.
  • Use external tools for price tracking and niche builds.

By understanding its strengths and limitations, you can leverage PCPP effectively to build a reliable and compatible PC.

PC Part Picker How To Complete A Build Step By Step Guide.

Building a PC can be an exciting project, but it requires careful planning and execution. Using PC Part Picker can simplify the process by helping you choose compatible components for your build.

To complete a build successfully, start by researching and planning your build based on your budget and requirements.

Purchase the components from reputable retailers and prepare your workspace with the necessary tools. Assemble the PC step by step, starting with preparing the case, and installing the power supply, motherboard, CPU, RAM, storage, and graphics card. Connect the cables and perform cable management for better airflow.

Finally, power on the PC and test it to ensure all components are working correctly. Following this step-by-step guide, you can build a custom PC that meets your needs and preferences.

READ ALSO: Pc Part Picker in Australia

1. Introduction: PC Part Picker

PC Part Picker is a powerful online platform that assists in building custom PCs by providing compatibility checks and pricing information for various components. Whether you are a seasoned PC builder or a beginner venturing into the world of custom builds, understanding how to navigate and effectively utilize PC Part Picker is essential. This article serves as a comprehensive step-by-step guide, covering everything from researching and selecting components to the actual build process. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how to complete a PC build using PC Part Picker, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance for your custom rig.

Understanding the PC Part Picker Platform

So, you’ve decided to join the PC master race and build your computer. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to dive into the exciting world of PC building. But where do you start? Luckily, there’s a nifty little platform called PC Part Picker that can make your life a whole lot easier.

PC Part Picker is like your tech-savvy friend who knows everything about computer components. It allows you to choose compatible parts for your build, compare prices, and even create a shopping list. It’s a one-stop shop for all your PC building needs. So, let’s buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through the world of PC parts!

2. Researching and Selecting PC Components

Before you start throwing money at shiny components, it’s important to do some research. After all, you don’t want to end up with a graphics card that’s as useful as a potato in a blender. Let’s break down this research process into three easy steps.

2.1 Understanding PC Component Compatibility

Compatibility is the name of the game when it comes to PC building. You need to make sure that all the parts you choose will play nicely together. No one wants to deal with the frustration of realizing that their RAM is too tall for their CPU cooler.

PC Part Picker takes care of this compatibility headache by automatically filtering out incompatible parts. It’s like having a personal assistant who says, “Sorry, those two just won’t work together” before you waste your hard-earned cash.

2.2 Researching and Comparing PC Components

Now that you understand component compatibility, it’s time to dive into the world of specifications and reviews. Take your time to explore different options and read user reviews. You want to make sure that the parts you choose not only meet your needs but also have a good reputation for reliability and performance.

PC Part Picker conveniently provides links to product pages and reviews to help you make an informed decision.

2.3 Using PC Part Picker to Choose Compatible Parts

Once you have a good understanding of the components you need and their compatibility requirements, it’s time to put PC Part Picker to work. The platform allows you to select your desired components while ensuring they all work together harmoniously.

It’s like a matchmaking service for computer parts – ensuring a happy and functional relationship between your CPU, motherboard, and other components. Plus, it provides real-time price comparisons, so you can snag the best deal possible.

3. Building a PC: Preparing the Workspace and Tools

So, you’ve done your research, selected your components, and the boxes filled with PC goodness have arrived at your doorstep. Now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start building. But before you dive in, let’s make sure you have everything you need and a clean, organized workspace to avoid any unnecessary headaches.

3.1 Setting Up a Clean and Organized Workspace

Picture this: parts sprawled all over your desk, screws rolling off the edge, and your cat eyeing that shiny graphics card like a mischievous predator. Chaos. To avoid this nightmare, set up a clean and organized workspace. Clear away any unnecessary clutter, use an anti-static mat or wrist strap to protect your components from static discharge, and create a designated area for each step of the build process.

3.2 Gathering the Necessary Tools

Building a PC requires a few tools, but fear not, you won’t need a whole workshop. Here are the essentials: a Phillips screwdriver (typically size #2), a pair of needle-nose pliers (for those pesky little screws), a flashlight (because dark corners can be sneaky), and cable ties (to keep those cables tidy). Oh, and don’t forget the most important tool of all – your brain! Common sense goes a long way in this process.

4. Step 1: Installing the Motherboard and CPU

Now that your workspace is clean and your tools are ready, it’s time to dive into the actual build process. We’ll start with the foundation of your PC – the motherboard and CPU. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds. Just follow these steps and you’ll be on your way to PC-building glory.

4.1 Preparing the Motherboard for Installation

Before you start wrestling with cables and screws, it’s important to prepare your motherboard for installation. This involves identifying the CPU socket, RAM slots, and other important connectors. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with these components and make sure you’re handling the motherboard with care. Treat it like the delicate and precious thing it is.

4.2 Installing the CPU

Now comes the fun part – installing the brain of your PC, aka the CPU. It’s like giving your computer its very own brain transplant. Start by lifting the CPU socket lever, aligning the notches on the CPU with the socket, and gently lowering it into place. Make sure it’s seated properly and secure it by lowering the socket lever. Voila! Your PC now has its very own CPU!

4.3 Mounting the Motherboard in the Case

With the CPU securely in place, it’s time to give your motherboard a cosy home inside the case. Begin by aligning the screw holes on the motherboard with the standoffs in the case. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the lingo – standoffs are like little metal pegs that raise the motherboard of the case and prevent it from short-circuiting.

Once everything is lined up, grab your trusty screwdriver and start securing the motherboard with screws. Be gentle but firm – you want it to be snug, but not overly tight. Congratulations! You’ve completed the first step of your PC build. Pat yourself on the back, take a deep breath, and get ready for the next exciting instalment of our PC Part Picker building guide.

5. Step 2: Installing RAM and Storage Devices

5.1 Inserting and Securing RAM Modules

RAM, the brain food of your computer, is essential for smooth multitasking and speedy performance. Installing RAM is a piece of cake. Just locate the RAM slots on your motherboard, gently line up the notches on the RAM stick with the slots, and push it in until it clicks. Make sure both sides are secure, just like a good friendship bracelet.

5.2 Installing SSDs/HDDs in Drive Bays

Now, let’s talk storage. Whether you prefer the lightning-fast speed of an SSD or the spaciousness of an HDD, installing them is a breeze. Most cases have dedicated drive bays where you can slide in your storage devices. Just like sliding butter into warm toast, align the screw holes on the drive with the holes on the bay, secure them with screws, and voila! You’re one step closer to a fully loaded PC.

6. Step 3: Connecting Power Supply and Cables

6.1 Choosing and Installing the Power Supply

Time to bring the power to your build! Choosing the right power supply is crucial, just like picking the right partner for a dance-off. Make sure it has enough wattage to handle all your components. Once you’ve found “the one,” slide it into the designated spot in your case and screw it in securely. Remember, we want sparks of excitement, not sparks of electrical disaster.

6.2 Connecting Power Cables to the Motherboard

Now for the electrifying part—connecting cables to your motherboard. Locate the big 24-pin connector and the smaller CPU power connector on your power supply. Match them to the corresponding sockets on the motherboard, plug them in firmly, and give them a gentle wiggle to make sure they’re snug. Just like fitting a puzzle piece, only with less frustration.

6.3 Connecting Power Cables to Drives and Other Components

It’s like connecting the dots but with cables! Find the power cables coming from your power supply and connect them to your drives and other components. SATA power cables are typically used for drives, while PCIe power cables are for that powerhouse graphics card. Don’t worry about mixing them up; they come in different shapes and sizes to ensure a perfect match. It’s like a game of cable Twister but without the awkward positions.

7. Step 4: Installing Graphics Card and Expansion Cards

7.1 Installing the Graphics Card

Get ready to level up your visuals with a graphics card. Find the PCIe x16 slot on your motherboard, gently insert the card into the slot, and secure it with a screw. Just make sure you remove all the plastic covers beforehand, or your graphics card will feel like it’s wearing a raincoat indoors.

7.2 Installing Other Expansion Cards (Sound, Wi-Fi, etc.)

Let’s give your build a few extra talents by installing other expansion cards. Sound card? Wi-Fi card? The choice is yours. Just like adding spices to your favourite dish, gently insert the card into the corresponding slot, secure it with a screw if needed, and enjoy the enhanced capabilities. Your computer will feel like a Renaissance artist, mastering multiple skills.

8. Step 5: Cable Management and Finalizing the Build

8.1 Organizing and Securing Cables

Time to tidy up those cables and turn chaos into order. Use zip ties, Velcro straps, or your secret macramé skills to bundle cables together and keep them away from fans and other moving parts. Think of it as giving your build a stylish haircut, keeping everything neat and clean. Plus, good cable management improves airflow and can earn you serious bragging rights.

8.2 Double-checking All Connections

Before you close up the case and call it a day, double-check that all connections are tight and secure. Wiggle the cables gently, give each component a reassuring pat (not too hard), and ensure everything is in its rightful place. It’s like giving your build a final pep talk before sending it off into the digital universe.

8.3 Powering On and Testing the Completed Build

It’s time for the grand finale! Connect your monitor, keyboard, and mouse, take a deep breath, and press that power button. If all goes well, your build will come to life like Frankenstein’s monster, but hopefully, with fewer sparks and more smooth sailing.

Stay calm, give it a moment to boot up, and run some tests to ensure everything is running as smoothly as a penguin sliding down an icy slope. And there you have it—a completed build ready to conquer the world of computing. In conclusion, PC Part Picker is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to assemble their custom PC build. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can confidently select compatible components, build your PC with ease, and ensure optimal performance.

Remember to take your time, double-check connections, and maintain good cable management practices. With PC Part Picker as your guide, you are well-equipped to embark on your DIY PC-building journey and create a system tailored to your needs and preferences. Happy building!

Does pc part picker build your pc?

No, PCPartPicker (PCPP) does not build your PC for you. Its primary function is to help you select compatible parts and compare prices across different retailers, but it’s not involved in the actual assembly process.

Here’s a breakdown of what PCPartPicker does:

What it does?

  • Part selection: You can browse an extensive database of computer components and add them to your build list.
  • Compatibility check: It automatically checks for potential compatibility issues between different parts, like size, power requirements, and socket types.
  • Price comparison: It compares prices from various retailers for each part and shows you the best deals.
  • Sharing & discussion: You can share your build list with others and participate in community forums for advice and discussions.

What it doesn’t do?

  • Physical assembly: PCPartPicker is purely a software tool and doesn’t have the capability to physically assemble your PC.
  • Selling parts: It’s not a store and doesn’t sell any computer components directly. You need to purchase them from the listed retailers yourself.
  • Installation & setup: Once you’ve purchased the parts, you’ll need to handle the assembly, operating system installation, and software setup yourself.

If you’re interested in building your own PC, PCPartPicker is a valuable resource for choosing and comparing parts. However, you’ll need to find someone to build it for you (a friend, a local computer repair shop, or yourself) or learn how to do it yourself.

How To Build A PC On PC Part Picker (Step-by-Step Guide)

PC Part Picker How To Complete A Build Step By Step Guide YouTube Video By Answer Lab


1. Can I trust PC Part Picker’s compatibility checks?

Yes, PC Part Picker has a robust system that checks the compatibility of chosen components. However, it is always recommended to double-check and verify compatibility manually, especially if you have specific requirements or unique components.

2. Can I use PC Part Picker to compare prices across different retailers?

Yes, PC Part Picker allows you to compare prices from various retailers, ensuring you find the best deals for your chosen components. It provides a convenient way to save money and make informed purchasing decisions.

3. Do I need any special tools to complete a PC build?

Basic tools such as a screwdriver, thermal paste, and cable ties are usually sufficient for a standard PC build. However, it is advisable to have an anti-static wrist strap to prevent any damage caused by static electricity. It’s also helpful to have a clean workspace and good lighting for a smooth building process.

4. Can I upgrade my PC in the future using PC Part Picker?

Absolutely! PC Part Picker allows you to easily identify compatible components for future upgrades. You can modify your build over time, swapping out or adding new parts as needed. PC Part Picker makes it convenient to keep your system up-to-date and adaptable to changing needs.

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